As usual, we prepared plenty of snacks for our recent flight. The main star of this plane picnic was a sandwich that Prem compiled using ingredients procured around Mexico City, where we were flying home from.
He started with ciabatta from Panaderia Rosetta, an adorable little bakery where we ate breakfast of freshly baked croissants and quiche. We picked up the ciabatta the morning of our flight, so it was still light and fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside.
Next Prem smeared a chili jam, generously given to us in a small sample cup by the employee at Lactography in Mercado Roma, where we tried and purchased several cheeses. The jam was oily enough to make up for our lack of olive oil, which we would normally drizzle on the bread before spreading on other condiments.
Mecado Roma in Roma, Mexico City, is a haven for foodies
The cheese was also from Lactography, where we had enjoyed a cheese plate a couple nights previous. This brother-sister run company works to preserve the cheese-making traditions of Mexico and serves their products out of a tiny space in Mercado Roma. We chose a big hunk of ash-ripened aged goat cheese called Pasión to slice on top of the chili jam.
Last but not least, good old jamón serrano, from Las Tapas de San Juan, also in Mercado Roma, topped the sandwich off.
Tout Chocolat's Condesa location is located on a leafy street on Amsterdam Ave.
Other snacks we packed and enjoyed during the flight were fresh figs from a frutería, a hunk of Ramonetti cheese from Baja California from Abarrotes Delirio and bonbons from Tout Chocolat.